Robot Drawing Tool

Use this tool to create your own robot sketches! Choose a color, adjust the brush size, and start drawing.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I start drawing?

Simply click and drag on the canvas using your mouse or touch screen.

How do I erase part of my drawing?

Click on the 'Eraser' button and use your mouse to erase specific parts. Adjust the eraser size if needed.

What is the dotted mode?

Dotted mode creates a guide of tiny dots to help you draw accurately. Click the 'Dotted Mode' button to enable it, or 'Plain Mode' to disable it.

How do I use robot sketches?

Click on a robot example above to load a ready-to-use sketch and enhance it with your creativity.

How do I download my drawing?

Click the 'Download' button to save your artwork as an image file.